Bout of Books Day 3 Challenge/ Bout of Books Day 2 Wrap- Up Read-A-Thon

Hey Guys,

So I am doing pretty good on posting daily this week on my progress on the Read-A-Thon hosted by bout of books blog.

So Day two is over and onto to day three, right before my day two wrap-up

So Day two was a pretty good day I read a total of 40 pages yesterday. I do wish I read more but it did not work out that way, But I am not discouraged! I am putting myself a goal for day in at least being 3/4 of the way through Thoughtful I will completely happy which gives me two days to finish the last fourth and start Confess by Colleen Hoover. Hopefully I can put another book into the Read-A-Thon.

Onto Day Three now.

Day Three Challenge is being hosted by Kristina Horner

Today's Challenge is Book Haiku for the book you are reading at the moment.

My Haiku is:

Kellan. Total Rock Star

In Love with his Best Friend Girl

All he wants is Love and Affection.

Pretty much sums up this book although I have to say I am really loving this book. To finally see Kellan's side during the whole thing was going on it has painted a picture for me who Kellan is.

So like before just follow me on goodreads to see my progress with this book or come back here tomorrow to see my updates as well as my day 4 challenge.

Thanks for Reading,



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