October TBR Status Update

Hey Guys,

So its October 20th Which means there are only 11 days left in October (its pretty crazy I feel like it was just beginning of September and its almost November.) So I decided to do an update on my TBR list well because I have not read anything except for one book this month (yeah I know shocking it is for me too people) It is also funny because the book I did finish is from my September TBR. So this month has pretty much been a bad month for reading. I traveled a lot this month so I can attribute that to the reason why I have not read that much this month. I do still have time though so I am hoping to at least get through half of my list and I can be happy with that. All I do know is that I will be a reading monster next month ( I have a lot of books sitting that I want to read and I hate that they are still just sitting there). The thing is I do not make my TBR something I have to do. I make them a goal something just to organize my chaos mind when it comes to reading. When I have so many book I still want (not need) to read I do not know which one to pick up or where I should begin in tackling this monster list of books so the TBR just condenses me to see which books I want to read. At times I might not follow my TBR list it will depend on the mood I am in (there are times when I want to read a love story or I rather read a mystery) Also I made this blog as an outlet for my reading I love to talk about books, I love to have discussions about books and I found that this blog lets me put my opinions on well not paper, I guess but it lets me "write" out what I think or feel or pretty much what I love to do which is to read. I never made this blog for any other purpose than for the enjoyment of books. If this can relate to someone else that Awesome! I love that. For example, Booktube once I found that I was awe-struck I could relate to what these people were talking about, (it was like finding the world biggest book club) If I continue this blog and I am the only one to read this than I am happy because when I am writing this blog I love it I need nothing else than just being able to type out my feelings on books my happiness on certain purchases of books and also my reviews and TBR list.

Yeah I know weird entry I just wanted to give an update and just so I can feel where my pulse is located at the moment when it comes to reading and also this blog. That is it for now, I do know the next thing I should be doing is writing my review for Cinder by Marissa Meyers.

Thanks for reading,



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