Gone Girl Review

So.....Gone Girl......yeah Just finished it and I still feel like my mind has to catch up. After I read the last sentence I just thought.....What in the Hell Did I just Read and How in the Hell does Gillian Flynn mind work because she blew my mind away.

I will advise before continuing to read that this will have spoilers so If you want to read this book without knowing what you are getting yourself into stop reading and come back after you read so read my review, but you if have read the book, not going to read it or do not mind any spoilers then continue down with my review.

**********Spoiler Part********

The story begins with Nick Dunne, one of the main characters of the story. We begin to follow Nick into his dreadful and mediocre life that held no meaning to him and left him feeling inhuman and not in touch with the world. Nick Introduces us to his wife, Amy who in the beginning seems like the loving and caring wife. Who was happy in their life with exception to Nick who was the wrong one in this relationship. As the Title entails (Gone Girl) on the day of their 5th wedding Anniversary Amy disappears with a sign of a struggle. the story is told with Nick in the present time and Amy in the past through diary entries of Amy and Nick's relationship from the beginning from how their beautiful love story began to turn into a life of fear, suffocation, hate and rage.

"It had gotten to the point where it seemed like nothing else matters, because I'm not a real person and either is anyone else. I would have done anything to feel real again"- Nick Dunne

As I continue to read the first part of the book ( the book is separated into three parts) I began to believe that Nick hurt his wife, That Amy was a victim to this heartless cold man who calculated to get what he wanted from her and in the end get rid of her when she was not needed anymore. As you read Nick portion of this story he seems like a detached man that has not empathy of what is happening and that he has to many secrets to hide and too many lies to tell. I began to root for Amy this broken women who married the wrong man, but boy was I wrong and fooled just like the many worshipers of Amy achieve through her ordeal of disappearance.

"I thought: That's Amy, she's graduating to murder. Holy shit. I'm serious, man I bet whatever she's got cooked for you, it's drum-fucking-tight. You should be fucking scared"- Tommy O'Hara 

Part 2 Came, oh boy did it arrive with a big red bow that almost cause me to set book aside and put it on my did not finish pile (which metaphorically I do not have that physical pile but I do have a few books that I did not finish for many different reasons.) Part 2 messed with my mind, I began to despise the book, Amy, Nick, The Cops, Her Parents, everyone. Really? I thought Really? Gillian Flynn,This was caused because of a women scorned? Another women scorned that is mad at her husband for cheating and moving her away from her life and family......we are going to this typical stories that books write where a women is mad and takes it out on her husband (but if that was true I would have to say this women really went out and beyond more than any other women did), but as I continued part two...well that is where things got real. I began to learn about the real Amy, the Sociopath Amy who if you did not fit into mold she made for you than you were disposable. Disposable but not in the way you would think she will not just stop being your friend, husband, or lover. She would destroy you in every way, shape or form.  I began to sympathize for Nick, how was he married to this women, how was it blind to who she truly was? was he blind? did he not care? or was he fooled just like so many to this "Amazing Amy"? How can anyone be this good to make it seem as you are the innocent victim to this terrible person you called your husband, but in all actuality you are the black tar and disease that is destroying everything.

"You stopped loving me. We're a sick, fucking toxic Mobius strip, Amy. We weren't ourselves when we fell in love, and when we became ourselves--surprise!--we were poison"- Nick Dunne

 Ah part three, you crazy-ass part three. I rooted for you Nick I thought Yes! you get your chance you are freed from Amy, you can finally destroy her, you will be the one that wins and to show "Amazing Amy" is not actually so amazing and innocent. Sadly, does that happen? Nick did you free yourself from the black tar that is called Amy? No, you let Amy win, you let yourself get sucked into this cesspool into thinking I love her, she is what I want no matter that she killed a man so she would not get caught into her lies. Even though you had a plan and were going to go through with it, you still let Amy win. I know Nick is staying because of The baby but I cannot began to think that Nick would still stay in some way or form with Amy like he said...." Amy was toxic, yet I couldn't imagine a world without her entirely. Who would I be with Amy just gone? There were no options that interested me anymore"- Nick Dunne

This book, ah this book Gillian Flynn is a genius, her writing keeps you at the edge of your sleep and keeps you up at night for just one more sentence, paragraph, page or chapter. Although it did not end how I would imagine (now I do not even know what I was imagining) This is an amazing and sick story, that I am happy I continued and finish it even though at this moment I keep thing what did I just read? For this I will give this book 4 stars because I enter this book and an expectation and left this book with the thought never expect anything because if you do you mind will be blown.

Alright Guys here is my Gone Girl review I hoped you liked it,

Thanks for reading,



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