Friday Update- What I am currently reading and tentative post schedule

Hey Guys,

So this is another Friday Update, it is going a short one. If you read my other post you can see that I finished reading the Reboot duology and it is an awesome and fun story, If you have not read the story I recommend it.

So to what I am currently reading, I have begun to read Cinder by Marissa Meyer and also I have began reading Meant to be By Lauren Morrill. I do not know if it is just me or other have felt the same. When I am reading Meant to be, I cannot get into the storyline and the characters. Do not get my wrong I like the plot of the story and I like how cute and funny it is, but it is just not doing it for me. I do not know if it just me, if I am just not in the mood for that type of story or if it is the story itself. Although I am feeling like this I am going to finish the story, or well at least try because I do feel like this will be a fun and cute read. (I will update you on how the reading goes or also you can click the link onto my Good Reads page on the right of the page to see my reading update and see how far I am into the book.)

The Book I currently I have on hand and that I am really immersing myself in is Cinder by Marissa Meyer. Let me tell you a little back story. When I discovered book outlet a few months ago (which I could not believe I did not know this website existed, seriously how did I not know this?) I saw Cinder on the webpage, I thought nice cover, interesting synopsis ( like I said about Gone Girl) but I passed on purchasing. As I was watching Booktube I noticed many Booktubers talk about the Cinder series and again Interested but I did not push myself to buy it. Time went on and I bought more books, of course and the I heard the books are adaptation of fairy tales for example Cinder is the Adaptation of Cinderella and Scarlet is the Adaptation for Little Red Riding Hood. That is the moment that I told myself I have to buy them and I have to read this series. I grew up with Disney movies and watching and reading Fairy tales, so why wouldn't I read an adaptation of them mostly when they involve cyborgs? (who wouldn't want to read that?) So I bought Cinder as well as I also bought Scarlet, (I probably will buy Cress later when it comes out in paperback). I am still early in to Cinder but I am loving the characters mostly Iko! I will probably write a book review on Cinder when I finish and all I can say at this moment this will probably become my favorite read of 2014, (still a little early to say but you never know).

Alright guys that is it for my Friday Update, I have ordered a few books which should arrive this weekend or early next week, so I am planning on doing a bookhaul (still not set in stone) and also I will be doing a September Wrap up and October To Be Read probably on October 1st or September 30th.

Thanks for Reading Guy,



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